Source code for textattack.constraints.overlap.meteor_score


METEOR Constraints


import nltk

from textattack.constraints import Constraint

[docs]class METEOR(Constraint): """A constraint on METEOR score difference. Args: max_meteor (int): Max METEOR score allowed. compare_against_original (bool): If `True`, compare new `x_adv` against the original `x`. Otherwise, compare it against the previous `x_adv`. """ def __init__(self, max_meteor, compare_against_original=True): super().__init__(compare_against_original) if not isinstance(max_meteor, int): raise TypeError("max_meteor must be an int") self.max_meteor = max_meteor def _check_constraint(self, transformed_text, reference_text): meteor = nltk.translate.meteor([reference_text], transformed_text) return meteor <= self.max_meteor
[docs] def extra_repr_keys(self): return ["max_meteor"] + super().extra_repr_keys()