Source code for textattack.constraints.grammaticality.language_models.google_language_model.lm_data_utils

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# ==============================================================================
A library for loading 1B word benchmark dataset.


import random

import numpy as np

from textattack.shared.utils import LazyLoader

tf = LazyLoader("tensorflow", globals(), "tensorflow")

[docs]class Vocabulary(object): """Class that holds a vocabulary for the dataset.""" def __init__(self, filename): """Initialize vocabulary. Args: filename (str): Vocabulary file name. """ self._id_to_word = [] self._word_to_id = {} self._unk = -1 self._bos = -1 self._eos = -1 with as f: idx = 0 for line in f: word_name = line.strip() if word_name == "<S>": self._bos = idx elif word_name == "</S>": self._eos = idx elif word_name == "UNK": self._unk = idx if word_name == "!!!MAXTERMID": continue self._id_to_word.append(word_name) self._word_to_id[word_name] = idx idx += 1 @property def bos(self): return self._bos @property def eos(self): return self._eos @property def unk(self): return self._unk @property def size(self): return len(self._id_to_word)
[docs] def word_to_id(self, word): if word in self._word_to_id: return self._word_to_id[word] return self.unk
[docs] def id_to_word(self, cur_id): """Converts an ID to the word it represents. Args: cur_id: The ID Returns: The word that :obj:`cur_id` represents. """ if cur_id < self.size: return self._id_to_word[cur_id] return "ERROR"
[docs] def decode(self, cur_ids): """Convert a list of ids to a sentence, with space inserted.""" return " ".join([self.id_to_word(cur_id) for cur_id in cur_ids])
[docs] def encode(self, sentence): """Convert a sentence to a list of ids, with special tokens added.""" word_ids = [self.word_to_id(cur_word) for cur_word in sentence.split()] return np.array([self.bos] + word_ids + [self.eos], dtype=np.int32)
[docs]class CharsVocabulary(Vocabulary): """Vocabulary containing character-level information.""" def __init__(self, filename, max_word_length): super(CharsVocabulary, self).__init__(filename) self._max_word_length = max_word_length chars_set = set() for word in self._id_to_word: chars_set |= set(word) free_ids = [] for i in range(256): if chr(i) in chars_set: continue free_ids.append(chr(i)) if len(free_ids) < 5: raise ValueError("Not enough free char ids: %d" % len(free_ids)) self.bos_char = free_ids[0] # <begin sentence> self.eos_char = free_ids[1] # <end sentence> self.bow_char = free_ids[2] # <begin word> self.eow_char = free_ids[3] # <end word> self.pad_char = free_ids[4] # <padding> chars_set |= { self.bos_char, self.eos_char, self.bow_char, self.eow_char, self.pad_char, } self._char_set = chars_set num_words = len(self._id_to_word) self._word_char_ids = np.zeros([num_words, max_word_length], dtype=np.int32) self.bos_chars = self._convert_word_to_char_ids(self.bos_char) self.eos_chars = self._convert_word_to_char_ids(self.eos_char) for i, word in enumerate(self._id_to_word): self._word_char_ids[i] = self._convert_word_to_char_ids(word) @property def word_char_ids(self): return self._word_char_ids @property def max_word_length(self): return self._max_word_length def _convert_word_to_char_ids(self, word): code = np.zeros([self.max_word_length], dtype=np.int32) code[:] = ord(self.pad_char) if len(word) > self.max_word_length - 2: word = word[: self.max_word_length - 2] cur_word = self.bow_char + word + self.eow_char for j in range(len(cur_word)): code[j] = ord(cur_word[j]) return code
[docs] def word_to_char_ids(self, word): if word in self._word_to_id: return self._word_char_ids[self._word_to_id[word]] else: return self._convert_word_to_char_ids(word)
[docs] def encode_chars(self, sentence): chars_ids = [self.word_to_char_ids(cur_word) for cur_word in sentence.split()] return np.vstack([self.bos_chars] + chars_ids + [self.eos_chars])
[docs]def get_batch(generator, batch_size, num_steps, max_word_length, pad=False): """Read batches of input.""" cur_stream = [None] * batch_size inputs = np.zeros([batch_size, num_steps], np.int32) char_inputs = np.zeros([batch_size, num_steps, max_word_length], np.int32) global_word_ids = np.zeros([batch_size, num_steps], np.int32) targets = np.zeros([batch_size, num_steps], np.int32) weights = np.ones([batch_size, num_steps], np.float32) no_more_data = False while True: inputs[:] = 0 char_inputs[:] = 0 global_word_ids[:] = 0 targets[:] = 0 weights[:] = 0.0 for i in range(batch_size): cur_pos = 0 while cur_pos < num_steps: if cur_stream[i] is None or len(cur_stream[i][0]) <= 1: try: cur_stream[i] = list( except StopIteration: # No more data, exhaust current streams and quit no_more_data = True break how_many = min(len(cur_stream[i][0]) - 1, num_steps - cur_pos) next_pos = cur_pos + how_many inputs[i, cur_pos:next_pos] = cur_stream[i][0][:how_many] char_inputs[i, cur_pos:next_pos] = cur_stream[i][1][:how_many] global_word_ids[i, cur_pos:next_pos] = cur_stream[i][2][:how_many] targets[i, cur_pos:next_pos] = cur_stream[i][0][1 : how_many + 1] weights[i, cur_pos:next_pos] = 1.0 cur_pos = next_pos cur_stream[i][0] = cur_stream[i][0][how_many:] cur_stream[i][1] = cur_stream[i][1][how_many:] cur_stream[i][2] = cur_stream[i][2][how_many:] if pad: break if no_more_data and np.sum(weights) == 0: # There is no more data and this is an empty batch. Done! break yield inputs, char_inputs, global_word_ids, targets, weights
[docs]class LM1BDataset(object): """Utility class for 1B word benchmark dataset. The current implementation reads the data from the tokenized text files. """ def __init__(self, filepattern, vocab): """Initialize LM1BDataset reader. Args: filepattern: Dataset file pattern. vocab: Vocabulary. """ self._vocab = vocab self._all_shards = "Found %d shards at %s", len(self._all_shards), filepattern ) def _load_random_shard(self): """Randomly select a file and read it.""" return self._load_shard(random.choice(self._all_shards)) def _load_shard(self, shard_name): """Read one file and convert to ids. Args: shard_name: file path. Returns: list of (id, char_id, global_word_id) tuples. """"Loading data from: %s", shard_name) with as f: sentences = f.readlines() chars_ids = [self.vocab.encode_chars(sentence) for sentence in sentences] ids = [self.vocab.encode(sentence) for sentence in sentences] global_word_ids = [] current_idx = 0 for word_ids in ids: current_size = len(word_ids) - 1 # without <BOS> symbol cur_ids = np.arange(current_idx, current_idx + current_size) global_word_ids.append(cur_ids) current_idx += current_size"Loaded %d words.", current_idx)"Finished loading") return zip(ids, chars_ids, global_word_ids) def _get_sentence(self, forever=True): while True: ids = self._load_random_shard() for current_ids in ids: yield current_ids if not forever: break
[docs] def get_batch(self, batch_size, num_steps, pad=False, forever=True): return get_batch( self._get_sentence(forever), batch_size, num_steps, self.vocab.max_word_length, pad=pad, )
@property def vocab(self): return self._vocab