Source code for textattack.transformations.word_swaps.word_swap_neighboring_character_swap

Word Swap by Neighboring Character Swap

import numpy as np

from .word_swap import WordSwap

[docs]class WordSwapNeighboringCharacterSwap(WordSwap): """Transforms an input by replacing its words with a neighboring character swap. Args: random_one (bool): Whether to return a single word with two characters swapped. If not, returns all possible options. skip_first_char (bool): Whether to disregard perturbing the first character. skip_last_char (bool): Whether to disregard perturbing the last character. >>> from textattack.transformations import WordSwapNeighboringCharacterSwap >>> from textattack.augmentation import Augmenter >>> transformation = WordSwapNeighboringCharacterSwap() >>> augmenter = Augmenter(transformation=transformation) >>> s = 'I am fabulous.' >>> augmenter.augment(s) """ def __init__( self, random_one=True, skip_first_char=False, skip_last_char=False, **kwargs ): super().__init__(**kwargs) self.random_one = random_one self.skip_first_char = skip_first_char self.skip_last_char = skip_last_char def _get_replacement_words(self, word): """Returns a list containing all possible words with 1 pair of neighboring characters swapped.""" if len(word) <= 1: return [] candidate_words = [] start_idx = 1 if self.skip_first_char else 0 end_idx = (len(word) - 2) if self.skip_last_char else (len(word) - 1) if start_idx >= end_idx: return [] if self.random_one: i = np.random.randint(start_idx, end_idx) candidate_word = word[:i] + word[i + 1] + word[i] + word[i + 2 :] candidate_words.append(candidate_word) else: for i in range(start_idx, end_idx): candidate_word = word[:i] + word[i + 1] + word[i] + word[i + 2 :] candidate_words.append(candidate_word) return candidate_words @property def deterministic(self): return not self.random_one
[docs] def extra_repr_keys(self): return super().extra_repr_keys() + ["random_one"]