Source code for textattack.transformations.word_swaps.word_swap_gradient_based

Word Swap by Gradient


import torch

import textattack
from textattack.shared import utils
from textattack.shared.validators import validate_model_gradient_word_swap_compatibility

from .word_swap import WordSwap

[docs]class WordSwapGradientBased(WordSwap): """Uses the model's gradient to suggest replacements for a given word. Based off of HotFlip: White-Box Adversarial Examples for Text Classification (Ebrahimi et al., 2018). Arguments: model (nn.Module): The model to attack. Model must have a `word_embeddings` matrix and `convert_id_to_word` function. top_n (int): the number of top words to return at each index >>> from textattack.transformations import WordSwapGradientBased >>> from textattack.augmentation import Augmenter >>> transformation = WordSwapGradientBased() >>> augmenter = Augmenter(transformation=transformation) >>> s = 'I am fabulous.' >>> augmenter.augment(s) """ def __init__(self, model_wrapper, top_n=1): # Unwrap model wrappers. Need raw model for gradient. if not isinstance(model_wrapper, textattack.models.wrappers.ModelWrapper): raise TypeError(f"Got invalid model wrapper type {type(model_wrapper)}") self.model = model_wrapper.model self.model_wrapper = model_wrapper self.tokenizer = self.model_wrapper.tokenizer # Make sure we know how to compute the gradient for this model. validate_model_gradient_word_swap_compatibility(self.model) # Make sure this model has all of the required properties. if not hasattr(self.model, "get_input_embeddings"): raise ValueError( "Model needs word embedding matrix for gradient-based word swap" ) if not hasattr(self.tokenizer, "pad_token_id") and self.tokenizer.pad_token_id: raise ValueError( "Tokenizer needs to have `pad_token_id` for gradient-based word swap" ) self.top_n = top_n self.is_black_box = False def _get_replacement_words_by_grad(self, attacked_text, indices_to_replace): """Returns returns a list containing all possible words to replace `word` with, based off of the model's gradient. Arguments: attacked_text (AttackedText): The full text input to perturb word_index (int): index of the word to replace """ lookup_table = self.model.get_input_embeddings() grad_output = self.model_wrapper.get_grad(attacked_text.tokenizer_input) emb_grad = torch.tensor(grad_output["gradient"]) text_ids = grad_output["ids"] # grad differences between all flips and original word (eq. 1 from paper) vocab_size = lookup_table.size(0) diffs = torch.zeros(len(indices_to_replace), vocab_size) indices_to_replace = list(indices_to_replace) for j, word_idx in enumerate(indices_to_replace): # Make sure the word is in bounds. if word_idx >= len(emb_grad): continue # Get the grad w.r.t the one-hot index of the word. b_grads =[word_idx]).squeeze() a_grad = b_grads[text_ids[word_idx]] diffs[j] = b_grads - a_grad # Don't change to the pad token. diffs[:, self.tokenizer.pad_token_id] = float("-inf") # Find best indices within 2-d tensor by flattening. word_idxs_sorted_by_grad = (-diffs).flatten().argsort() candidates = [] num_words_in_text, num_words_in_vocab = diffs.shape for idx in word_idxs_sorted_by_grad.tolist(): idx_in_diffs = idx // num_words_in_vocab idx_in_vocab = idx % (num_words_in_vocab) idx_in_sentence = indices_to_replace[idx_in_diffs] word = self.tokenizer.convert_id_to_word(idx_in_vocab) if (not utils.has_letter(word)) or (len(utils.words_from_text(word)) != 1): # Do not consider words that are solely letters or punctuation. continue candidates.append((word, idx_in_sentence)) if len(candidates) == self.top_n: break return candidates def _get_transformations(self, attacked_text, indices_to_replace): """Returns a list of all possible transformations for `text`. If indices_to_replace is set, only replaces words at those indices. """ transformations = [] for word, idx in self._get_replacement_words_by_grad( attacked_text, indices_to_replace ): transformations.append(attacked_text.replace_word_at_index(idx, word)) return transformations
[docs] def extra_repr_keys(self): return ["top_n"]