Source code for textattack.transformations.word_swaps.word_swap_change_name

Word Swap by Changing Name

from collections import defaultdict

import numpy as np

from import PERSON_NAMES

from .word_swap import WordSwap

[docs]class WordSwapChangeName(WordSwap): def __init__( self, num_name_replacements=3, first_only=False, last_only=False, confidence_score=0.7, language="en", consistent=False, **kwargs ): """Transforms an input by replacing names of recognized name entity. :param n: Number of new names to generate per name detected :param first_only: Whether to change first name only :param last_only: Whether to change last name only :param confidence_score: Name will only be changed when it's above confidence score :param consistent: Whether to change all instances of the same name to the same new name >>> from textattack.transformations import WordSwapChangeName >>> from textattack.augmentation import Augmenter >>> transformation = WordSwapChangeName() >>> augmenter = Augmenter(transformation=transformation) >>> s = 'I am John Smith.' >>> augmenter.augment(s) """ super().__init__(**kwargs) self.num_name_replacements = num_name_replacements if first_only & last_only: raise ValueError("first_only and last_only cannot both be true") self.first_only = first_only self.last_only = last_only self.confidence_score = confidence_score self.language = language self.consistent = consistent def _get_transformations(self, current_text, indices_to_modify): transformed_texts = [] if self.language == "en": model_name = "ner" elif self.language == "fra" or self.language == "french": model_name = "flair/ner-french" else: model_name = "flair/ner-multi-fast" if self.consistent: word_to_indices = defaultdict(list) for i in indices_to_modify: word_to_replace = current_text.words[i].capitalize() word_to_indices[word_to_replace].append(i) for i in indices_to_modify: word_to_replace = current_text.words[i].capitalize() # If we're doing consistent replacements, only replace the word # if it hasn't already been replaced in a previous iteration if self.consistent and word_to_replace not in word_to_indices: continue word_to_replace_ner = current_text.ner_of_word_index(i, model_name) replacement_words = self._get_replacement_words( word_to_replace, word_to_replace_ner ) for r in replacement_words: if self.consistent: transformed_texts.append( current_text.replace_words_at_indices( word_to_indices[word_to_replace], [r] * len(word_to_indices[word_to_replace]), ) ) else: transformed_texts.append(current_text.replace_word_at_index(i, r)) # Delete this word to mark it as replaced if self.consistent and len(replacement_words) != 0: del word_to_indices[word_to_replace] return transformed_texts def _get_replacement_words(self, word, word_part_of_speech): replacement_words = [] tag = word_part_of_speech if ( tag.value in ("B-PER", "S-PER") and tag.score >= self.confidence_score and not self.last_only ): replacement_words = self._get_firstname(word) elif ( tag.value in ("E-PER", "S-PER") and tag.score >= self.confidence_score and not self.first_only ): replacement_words = self._get_lastname(word) return replacement_words def _get_lastname(self, word): """Return a list of random last names.""" if self.language == "esp" or self.language == "spanish": return np.random.choice( PERSON_NAMES["last-spanish"], self.num_name_replacements ) elif self.language == "fra" or self.language == "french": return np.random.choice( PERSON_NAMES["last-french"], self.num_name_replacements ) else: return np.random.choice(PERSON_NAMES["last"], self.num_name_replacements) def _get_firstname(self, word): """Return a list of random first names.""" if self.language == "esp" or self.language == "spanish": return np.random.choice( PERSON_NAMES["first-spanish"], self.num_name_replacements ) elif self.language == "fra" or self.language == "french": return np.random.choice( PERSON_NAMES["first-french"], self.num_name_replacements ) else: return np.random.choice(PERSON_NAMES["first"], self.num_name_replacements)